4: 9/11-2001 Mourn the Dead or Find the Answers? (John Spalding)
To us, this issue is the hottest “conspiracy out there”. Was it an act of terrorism or was it an inside job? Were the buildings demolished by plane or by planted explosives? Where is the plane debris outside the pentagon? Why does our National Media lack the ability to ask tough questions?
To begin, if we are going to take on this issue as a conspiracy, we need to make sure to mention that we have no idea who was involved in planning the events that occurred on this tragic day. We mourn for those who lost family members, praise the people who helped save lives, and look at the actual reasons for hatred of America. We never assume that our news media gets it right and always look to add other people’s perspective into the room.
And for the above reasons, we simply want to highlight several websites and post their material in brief snippets. You can visit any of these sites for further information.
Another 9/11 Cover Up in the Making?”, Rory ', http://www.alternet.org/story/40693.
In this article, O’Connor details the fallout between National Geographic and Author Peter Lance about the cover up of the Able Danger Program. The discovery was that some federal officers new Ali Mohamed had very close ties to Osama bin Laden, and FBI agents let him plan terrorism initiatives. In the article Mr. Lance was quoted as saying, “They [FBI] let him plan the bombings of the embassies in Africa right under their noses.” In the article, Patrick Fitzgerald is mentioned as the key person responsible for the cover up of the Able Danger program, and National Geographic is not including that information in its coverage of the topic because, as Lance puts it, “The Feds have gotten to them…National Geographic has abandoned the truth and acquiesced to pressure from the government”.
The next article is from Nancy Jo Sales for Vanity Fair.com entitled “Click Here for Conspiracy”
This article outlines the documentary “Loose Change” and its domination of the “viral video” segment of our Nation. The movie was made by three young adults from upstate New York and details their case for not believing the story of 9/11 that has been given to America through the media. The article outlines some of the highlights of the movie such as, asking where the remnants of the plane that hit the pentagon are, why Bryant Gumble reported that there was a second explosion in the 1st tower, why does the pentagon look like a missile hit it instead of a plane, and why the 9/11 commission reports that there is no one to blame. It highlights a zogby poll that shows the younger generation believes some of those in power knew ahead of time and did nothing to stop the attacks. For all intents and purposes, the people who made the movie contend that they were going to make a fictional piece, but the information was so clear that there was a cover up it actually became a documentary. You can read the full article listed above or you can watch the movie at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&hl=en
Killtown’s “200+ 9/11 Smoking Guns”—Found In the Mainstream Media; found at http://killtown.911review.org/911smokingguns.html
This website outlines its stance on the “conspiracy” of 9/11 by categorizing actual media clips, magazine and news articles, interviews, and videos from the mainstream media into several categories to make its claim. The Outline they use is as follows:
Planned Before/Future Ideas; Preparation-one video in this segment has a youtube © video of a rescuer actually saying he was called to New York the night before the attacks; Prior Knowledge; Decoying, Stand Down-in this section there is explanation of NORAD operation “Northern Vigilance” –deployed fighter jets to Alaska on September 9th; The WTC attack—this section has a link to a Philadelphia Daily News article that claims some ground zero workers found 3 of the 4 black boxes even though official reports claim none were found; The Pentagon Attack—FBI confiscated films from surveillance cameras, gas stations and hotels documented by CNN and National Geographic; Describing a Missile; Describing Aircraft very different that a Boeing 757; Witnessed Little/No plane debris at crash site, Smelled Explosives, heard multiple explosions; Pennsylvania Crash—in this section there is a link that shows Donald Rumsfeld in 2004 saying that Flight 93 was shot down; Ignored Warnings/ Allowing it to Happen; The Cover Up; Motives—Mention of Trilateral Commission Member Zbigniew Brzezinski and his book about US global domination of resources if society perceives a National Threat, and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations member Gary Hart says this is a chance for Bush to carry out a New World Order; Military Budget Increases; Afghanistan Opium Pipeline; Iraq, Oil;
Culprits—in this section we have a lot of information about PNAC-Project for a New American Century- Outlined in 1998 by Rumsfeld, Cheny and Wolfowitz and the detail of the bin Laden family allowed to leave the US before the civilian public flights resumed; Patsies and Operatives, Framing; and Fundamentalist Muslims gone wild.
The Last resource we are going to introduce in this article is the website 911Truth.org and its outline of The Top 40—Reasons to Doubt The Official Story of September 11th 2001.an Outline of Simple Talking Points found at http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041221155307646
This article outlines some major questions and presents its information quite differently than Killtown’s version listed above. In this article the story of the questions behind the actual 9/11 story are
The Day Itself—1.) AWOL Chain of Command, 2.) Air Defense Failures, 3.) Pentagon Strike, 4.) Wargames 5.) Flight 93
Fore Knowledge & The Alleged Highjackers- This section discusses the Able Danger argument as mentioned in the first article we mentioned.
The 9/11 Cover UP 2001-2006-this section talks about the crime scene disposal, a record of official lies, and the connection to Pakistan.
Geopolitics, Timing and Possible Motives—Did you know the Patriot Act was written before September 11th and waiting for the right “circumstance” to be unveiled to the public?
History; Related Movements and Parallel Issues
We are abundantly aware that all of the sources presented in this article are primarily “pro-conspiracy.” Our position is that these people have something to say, and therein, their ideas deserve to be heard. There is a plethora of individuals and organizations who adopt the media’s portrayal of the events surrounding that atrocious day on September 11, 2001. By providing an avenue of distribution for their ideas, we aim to provide our readers with sources that are alternative ways to view our complex world. We hope that you find some useful information from these resources and, and always, encourage any feedback on our discussion points.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Political News (Special Issue) Post 4 of 5
Posted by
Jeremy Grandstaff
2:03 PM
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